Over 25 people attended the Connecting with Teens - Restorative Practices event on Mar 4. Conversations were rich and eye opening for many. Be sure to keep your eyes open for the next Family Engagement Night scheduled for April 8 where the focus will be on QPR Training. CHILI COOK-OFF RAISES MONEY!Thank you to everyone who came out to support the 8th Annual GHS Chili Cookoff and Silent Auction! With 47 chili cooks, 57 volunteers, 125 donated items and more than 400 in attendance, the GHS PTA raised more than $9,000! The evening was a huge success! The money raised will fund more grants to teachers, classrooms, groups and students as well as scholarships to graduating seniors. Congratulations go out to the winners of the Chili Cookoff: GHS Staff Chili - Senor Polo Individual student Chili - Stella Schneider Group Student Chili - Gordon Ramsey's Sons (Jack Babitz, DJ Koury, Jackson Philleo, and Ian Persky) Community Chili - Kurt Ohlen
MATHLETES EARNED 1ST PLACE IN JEFFCO MATHCOUNTS.Bell Mathletes earned 1st place in the competition of more than twenty schools on February 14th! Bell's first place team (Nate, Jake, Isaac and Miles) beat Manning (2nd), Denver Academy of Torah (3rd), Colorado Academy (4th) and Rocky Mountain academy of Evergreen (5th). Many hours of training and hard work led them to this impressive accomplishment! These students will progress to the state competition on March 14th. Way to go, Bell Mathletes and good luck on the 14th!
Congratulations to the competitors that traveled to Nevada to compete in the Cyber Robotics Coding Competition! One of our teams finished in first place to become the Mountain Regional Champions! Great job Liam and Isaac! Our other team, Ruby and Amelia, placed seventh out of twenty-seven teams. Well done, Bell coders!
6th graders are currently attending Outdoor Lab at both Windy Peak and Mount Evans (divided into two groups) and are having an incredibly fun, memorable and educational week. Thank you to all that support the Outdoor Lab Foundation!
KYFFIN ELEMENTARY PBIS IN ACTION. Students have had the opportunity to participate in two new initiatives focused on improving behaviors and demonstrating leadership qualities. In December a fifth grade student's idea became a reality; the Kyffin Elementary Playground PRRS Patrol formed. Students in third through fifth grade attend monthly meetings to discuss playground concerns, choose new games to introduce, and work towards creating a more inclusive and safe recess time. After Winter Break, all students began working towards improving positivity, respect, responsibility, and safety during their AMP time, recess, lunch, and in the hallways. Staff who catch students showing PRRS give the students a ticket. These tickets are used for weekly raffles. Each Friday, a student from each grade is invited to a monthly PAW party. These parties have been an excellent incentive for students! January's Selfie and Slime party was oozing with fun! February, students were able to get their DIY skills on by creating squishies and Pokemon crafts. PBIS is a key intervention at Kyffin and these two new programs have continued to build on successful structures. CELEBRATIONS! Congratulations to Emiko Mukai for winning the Golden Area Spelling Bee! Emiko competed against other students from Kyffin, Ralston, Mitchell, Welchester, Shelton, Free Horizon Montessori, and Bell Middle School, and took home first place! She will represent the Golden area at the state spelling bee in March. Way to go Emiko! Oral Interpretation, which was held at the end of February, was another big hit. Congrats to our many students who were brave enough to share and perform in front of an audience! Two Kyffin students were recognized at the State level for their Reflections pieces. Congratulations to Emma Dorobek on her writing piece titled "The Time I Looked Within My Mom" and Alice Harada for her writing piece titled "Look within the Miles of You"! Kyffin is also celebrating our community's support of Grub Club. We collected over 300 packages of tuna for homeless and emancipated Jeffco students! LOOKING AHEAD. We are looking forward to Orchestra and Band concerts, our Science and Engineering Fair, and Family STEM Night. MITCHELL ELEMENTARY GLOBAL SCHOOL DAY OF PLAY A SUCCESS! All of Mitchell's students participated in some type of unstructured play on Friday February 7th as part of this global event. An hour was dedicated to playing together through unstructured, supervised time. Students made decisions on what to play and worked together to enjoy creativity, social skills and innovation through play. It was exciting to have joined other schools and students around the world in this learning opportunity! For more info about this event, visit the Global School Play Day site at http://www.globalschoolplayday.com SOLES 4 SOULS During our MLK Jr. Week of Giving, Mitchell held a shoe drive for Soles 4 Souls, providing gently used shoes for those in need where we collected 360 pairs of shoes! Special thanks to all who donated! SAVE THE DATE! Mitchell PTA's main annual fundraiser, Western on Washington is scheduled for Friday, April 24th! Have fun strolling Golden's finest establishments while raising money for our school! RALSTON ELEMENTARY THIRD GRADE MARKET DAY Third grade students demonstrated their entrepreneurism on February 11th with a Market Day event. Students created products, a marketing plan and advertising, then displayed and sold (using market money) their creative wares. Economic learning was put to full use during Market Day. Families and students from other classes came to shop and participate in the consumer experience. Through this authentic task experience, students practiced math, economics, marketing, and literacy in an engaging manner. FOURTH GRADE PBL SHOWCASE & MUSICAL & ARTWORK! February 12th was an exciting day for Ralston 4th graders. They performed an upbeat and energetic musical centered on Colorado history, which included song, dance and even a history rap at 2:30 p.m. for all Ralston students and again at 5:30 p.m. for families and guests. The evening performance was preceded by a showcase of their PBL experience titled "Beyond Surviving, Thriving" in which student groups researched a Colorado area and environmental problem of their choice and developed and designed an original solution to the problem. Solutions included a mock-up of the product as well as a website. Finally, several pieces of Colorado themed artwork created by each 4th grader were on display in the lobby. Great job 4th grade students, Mrs. Crocombe, Mrs. Greve, Mrs. Huyler, and Mrs. Knight! JEFFCO ELEMENTARY ART SHOW. The Jeffco Elementary Art Show is being held at Red Rocks Community College from February 19th - March 12th. Ralston is honored to have the artwork of 6 students featured (1st-Parker Collins, 2nd-Ellie Simmons, 3rd-Henry Grooms and Rebecca Brooks, 4th-Mark Williams, and 5th-Alex Tighe). There was an opening reception on February 21st to honor and welcome students whose artwork is on display and celebrate with their families. Please be sure to stop by and see the amazing artwork of Jeffco students. WINNIE-THE-POOH PRIMARY THEATER PROGRAM. The first ever Ralston musical theater production for students in K - 2nd performed Winnie-the-Pooh on February 19th. It was truly "cuteness overload" as the amazing and hard-working students delivered a heartwarming and flawless performance which included song, dance, and acting for a full house of family and friends. The entire audience was thrilled and amazed by the talent of these young thespians. Special thanks to the co-directors, Shealyn Crocombe and Leah Stockham and the myriad of teacher and parents who helped make Winnie-the-Pooh possible! BATTLE OF THE BOOKS. On February 25th, twenty-seven 5th grade students competed in Ralston's Battle of the Books. The students formed teams of three and each student read and took notes on 10 books. Teams then competed against each other to determine the Ralston Champion. The competition was tough requiring four tie-breaking rounds. The top two teams will represent Ralston at the Jeffco Battle of the Books on March 2nd. The top three teams were 1) Potato Doggle - Julius Sangster, Dante Fedele, and Matthew Rummans; 2) The VSCO Boys - Jake Flores, Jonah Jefferson, and Rowan Renzelman; 3) Reading Warriors - Callie Keen, Isabel Baitis, and Avalon Bock. This event got students excited about reading, introduced them to new genres, and allowed for a bit of healthy competition. SHELTON ELEMENTARY SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING FAIR. The Shelton Science and Engineering Fair was a great success on February 6th. Over 70 students completed at-home Science, Engineering, or Research projects. 13 classrooms also completed projects. Students presented their findings to friendly judges during school hours. We estimated close to 200 people were able to come to the evening reception to view and celebrate the students' innovative projects and discoveries. Thank you to the judges, families, and teachers for making the Science and Engineering Fair such a highlight of the year at Shelton. And congratulations to all the young scientists, engineers, and researchers. We hope you continue to ask questions and look for answers all year long. We can't wait till next year! SILVER CELEBRATION SILENT AUCTION. Shelton's 4th annual Silent Auction was held on February 27th, 2020 at the Buffalo Rose and it was a huge success. More than $50,000.00 (gross) was raised to fund STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) programs at Shelton, amazing! Thank you to everyone that supported this event, your generosity is what keeps our students thriving! READ2KIDS Shelton hosted a Read2Kids event on Tuesday, February 25th. Read2Kids is a non-profit organization funded by the Junior League of Denver whose purpose is to promote Early Childhood Literacy. Read2Kids is a family event designed for PK-5th grade. Those children in attendance each received (2) new books of choice, craft making options, a Magic Show, light dinner and always the hit of the night a book read by Shelton's own Principal, Mrs. Brown. Each year more and more students and families attend, as they know this is a fun event for everyone! WELCHESTER ELEMENTARY SCIENCE FAIR FUN FOR SPRING 2020! Our Science Fair is going to be loads of fun, as Mr. Reed, Ms. DeRose and Mr. Oatis Green join forces to create a STEAM event that the whole family can enjoy. Check with PTA for more information. RACE TO READ IS COMING. Keep your eyes open for information in the Friday Folders, as" Race to Read" is beginning very soon. This popular reading program incorporates reading with prizes and tickets to Bandemere Speedway and is a Welchester annual event. It's a wonderful way to incentivize the hard work that our students have been putting forth in their reading. SPRING K.I.S.S. EVENT. Keep in mind that our Spring K.I.S.S. event (Kids Invite Someone Special for Donuts before school begins) is coming at the beginning of April. We're currently chatting with an incredible local music group (Sarei Bird) to provide live music for this popular morning event."