The mission of Golden Schools Foundation is to ensure Golden neighborhood articulation schools offer our children an outstanding education. In support of our vision to provide the students of Golden articulation schools with an educational environment where they will thrive and reach maximum potential, our scholarships are meant to afford students this opportunity.
In 2017, we launched the Golden Schools Foundation Scholarship Program for GHS Graduating Seniors. We believe our Golden students are a critical part of our community and have created a unique scholarship program to support the continued academic success of four eligible GHS graduates. Each of the four scholarship recipients will receive a $1,500 one-time scholarship for the second semester of college or vocational study. For eligibility and application info, see below.
Congratulations to our 2024 Recipients!
Left to Right: Megan Greenlee (GSF Board), Maggie Toohill, Kyra Jordan, Casey Hume, Channing Bruce, & Kaye Becker (GSF Chair)
Previous Recipients
Cheyenne Clay, Francesca Slowinski, Sienna Quesada, & Alonzo Reyes
Conlon Breheny, James Sheridan, Christian Cohan, & Ethan Lewis
Ethan Conroy, Emma Markovich, Henry Pham, Darren Reed (photo source: Golden High School. 18 May 2020,
Cheyenne Clay, Francesca Slowinski, Sienna Quesada, & Alonzo Reyes
Hover on the image to scroll through the years and view the list of winners. ​
Application Information
The applicant MUST:
Be a graduating GHS senior who has been enrolled for a minimum of six years at any of the Golden Neighborhood articulation schools (Golden High School, Bell Middle School, Kyffin, Mitchell, Pleasant View, Ralston, Shelton or Welchester Elementary schools) .
Must currently have an unweighted cumulative GPA or 2.0 or better to be verified by school counselor.
Plan to enroll as a full-time college student taking a minimum of 12 semester hours or the equivalent at a vocational school.
Applications will be due in April. GHS Graduating Seniors should please see Naviance for access to the application information.​