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The Golden Schools Foundation (GSF) is a volunteer run 501(c)(3) non-profit organization formed by parents and citizens of the Golden, Colorado community in 2010. This group came together to encourage a high level of performance and accountability at Golden’s neighborhood schools – Kyffin, Mitchell, Shelton, Ralston and Welchester Elementary Schools, Bell Middle School and Golden High School.


 As an independent non-profit, we will raise and distribute funds in a responsible and ethical manner in order to foster excellence in educational opportunities.

Mission & Vision

Our mission is ensuring that Golden neighborhood schools offer our children an outstanding education. We partner with Golden schools, public education stakeholders and our community to promote improved student achievement and teaching excellence through collaboration, innovation and strategic investment.


Our vision is that 95% of Golden students choose to attend their neighborhood school.  Our programs help mobilize ideas, leadership, public support and resources to ensure a world-class education for every child in Golden neighborhood schools.


GSF seeks volunteer and financial resources through outreach, community partnerships and fund-raising to support the goals that will contribute to our Vision. We intend to provide all students the opportunity to make the most of their individual and collective potential so they can grow into successful adults who help our society thrive.

Strategic Goals

Our first step as an organization was to survey the community.  We received over 550 responses with candid and detailed answers. Community members shared their thoughts about each of the 8 Golden schools and what they expect from their schools.  This information became the basis for our strategic goals and priorities:


  • Improving technology at Bell Middle School

  • Supporting increased academic rigor at Bell Middle School

  • Creating science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) programs within Golden neighborhood schools

  • Creating a teacher's award and recognition program

  • Providing leadership forums for our teachers and principals

  • Providing more educators at each school (para-professionals)

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